Bath & West Fire & Safety Ltd.

Fire Alarms

Smoke and Heat Detectors

bath & west fire & safety Ltd.

Fire Alarms for Commercial Premises

With decades of experience in the fire protection industry our experts have accumulated all the knowledge and expertise required to design, source, supply, install and maintain the perfect fire alarm system to safeguard your commercial premises against the threat of a frightening and potentially ruinous fire.

Small companies, in particular, can suffer serious repercussions from a fire, beyond the obvious concerns about whether anyone was injured, or how much stock and data might have been lost.         

A fire results in downtime for a business, and being unable to deliver services, damaging reputation as well as revenue.

That’s why in commercial buildings fire alarms are vital, and also demanded by law. We’re BAFE registered and certified so therefore qualified and competent to design, install, commission and maintain fire detection and fire alarm systems in commercial properties.

bath & west fire & safety Ltd.

Comprehensive Fire Alarm Systems

We provide a variety of fire alarm and fire detection devices and systems, and can help our clients determine which would be the most suitable choice for their premises.

These include equipment such as fire alarm panels, smoke detectors, heat detectors, call points, beacons and sounders. An alarm system is designed to group these devices into zones as appropriate to the layout of the building.

We work with our clients’ in-house appointed fire safety duty holders to ensure the building is covered with a comprehensive, efficient warning and alert system in the event of a fire being detected.

The fire alarm system is regularly tested and checked to be sure it is in good working order at all times, and that procedures are in place for evacuation if this becomes necessary.

bath & west fire & safety Ltd.

Early Warning of Fire in the Home

Your home is just as much at risk of fires starting accidentally as your workplace. If you’ve neglected to consider the importance of having fire alarm cover for your home it’s not too late – early warning of fires saves lives, giving you and your loved ones time to escape.

Domestic fire detection consists of smoke and heat alarms, strategically fitted in key areas around your house.

We can advise on the best type of approved British Standards fire alarms for your property and professionally install them. You can use mains-powered alarms or alarms run by battery, and have an interlinked system so that if one alarm detects a fire they will all sound the alert together in various locations.

All rooms in your home are vulnerable to a fire starting. Usually, a smoke detector is sufficient to sound an early warning, but in steamy bathrooms or smoky kitchen environments a heat alarm may be the better option to avoid false alarms.

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