Bath & West Fire & Safety Ltd.

Fire Extinguishers

Qualified BAFE Fire Extinguisher Technicians

bath & west fire & safety Ltd.

Fire Extinguishers for Commercial Premises

By law all businesses and other organisations have to have suitable and sufficient fire extinguishers in place on their premises – the number and type of extinguishers dependent on the specific fire risk to the building.

Not only are fire extinguishers essential equipment, but the law also requires that they must be properly maintained and serviced regularly by a qualified and competent person – after all it’s no good having fire extinguishers around that may fail to work properly should they be needed.

Making sure your premises are correctly supplied and covered with fire extinguishers is not a hit and miss affair. It needs trained professionals to work out what’s needed, and where the extinguishers should be sited. This could be  evaluated as part of a Fire Risk Assessment, which should be carried out and then the building supplied with fire extinguishers in accordance with the results of the assessment.  Or one of our qualified engineers could carry out a simple site visit to advise you what you need.

Bath & West Fire & Safety are the local BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment) registered experts in Wiltshire, North East Somerset and Bath who are able to get suitable fire extinguishers properly placed and primed on your commercial premises.

bath & west fire & safety Ltd.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

We can supply and deploy any of the five main types of fire extinguishers available in the UK, the choice being dependent on factors like the size and layout of the premises, the number of people who use the premises and the type of fire risk the business or organisation’s operations pose.

  • Water fire extinguishers are suitable for Class A fires, which involve solid materials like wood, paper and fabric.
  • Foam extinguishers work on Class A fires as above, but also Class B fires when liquids like petrol, oil and grease are burning.
  • Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers suffocate and cool fires.   They are mainly aimed for electrical fires, but also suitable for class B and class C fires.
  • Dry Powder fire extinguishers are suitable for quenching all types of fires, working by smothering the fire and absorbing the heat.
  • Wet chemical extinguishers are specially designed for use against Class F fires, which involve cooking oils and fats.

We can train people to use fire extinguishers correctly and keep them serviced and maintained, ready for use in an emergency.

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Fire Extinguishers for the Home

You may regard your home as a safe haven, but there are currently around 27,000 dwelling fires reported in the UK each year, so fire extinguishers certainly have their place in our homes.

We live surrounded by potential sources of fire, from gas boilers and log burners to rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and cooking oil.

Having a fire extinguisher available in the house is a good line of defence against accidental domestic fires.  We can recommend the type of extinguisher suitable for your home but would caution that if a fire has taken hold in a room it is best to evacuate the building immediately and dial 999.

If you need advice or information about the best type of fire extinguisher to site in your home, as well as any other fire prevention and protection measures you can take to safeguard your loved ones and your possessions from the risk of fire, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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